On May 14, 2009 Lytle Electric of Robinson, Illinois, was formally awarded recognition for their safety procedures by OSHA at the Marathon Refinery in Robinson.  IBEW 725 signatory contractor Lytle Electric is the first union electrical contractor in a six-state region to receive this recommendation. Congratulations to all IBEW 725 members who helped make this possible while employed by Lytle Electric. And thanks to IBEW 725 members: Jeff Reinoehl, owner of Lytle, superintendent Mac Thacker, and safety director Eric Biernbaum for taking the lead in pursuing the proper credentials and insuring all of our members have a safe workplace. 

The Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) promote effective worksite-based safety and health. In the VPP, management, labor, and OSHA establish cooperative relationships at workplaces that have implemented a comprehensive safety and health management system. Approval into VPP is OSHA’s official recognition of the outstanding efforts of employers and employees who have achieved exemplary occupational safety and health.

Read More About The Voluntary Protection Program Here 

Read The Story About Lytle Electric in the IBEW Electrical Worker (Page 2)  Here Or On The Image Below

Click here to read the complete story in the IBEW ELECTRICAL WORKER.



Jeff Reinoehl - Owner of Lytle Electric



Mac Thacker - Superintendent           Eric Biernbaum - Safety Director




 Lytle Electric has been recommended for VPP Star status by the on-site OSHA team during their evaluation visit this week. 

Upon final approval from the Assistant Secretary of Labor in Washington, D.C., Lytle will be the first electrical contractor in Illinois

to achieve the prestigious VPP Star status, and the fifth contractor at IRD to achieve VPP Star status. 

 Fantastic job by all Lytle Electric employees!!

Yours in IRD PRIDE,
John Swearingen

Illinois Refining Division Manager